Anna Dean Nohl Kepper
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Anna Dean Nohl Kepper
Women in Nevada History: A Legacy Digital Project
Women's Research Institute of Nevada (WRIN)
This resource is available for education and research purposes. This collection is a collaboration and combination of various projects including, but not limited to; the Women in Nevada History: A Legacy Digital Project, the Nevada Women’s Archives, the Las Vegas Women Oral History Project and the Makers: Women in Nevada History Project, a co-production of the Women's Research Institute of Nevada and VegasPBS. The text, images, audio and video in this collection are under copyright by different repositories and may not be reproduced without express written consent of the appropriate entities.
Person Item Type Metadata
Curator of southern Nevada history
(Historic Preservation, Archives)
(Historic Preservation, Archives)
Birth Date
May 12, 1938
Arrival in Las Vegas
Death Date
December 21, 1983
Biographical Text
Anna Dean Kepper had a passion for preserving the history of southern Nevada. As curator of UNLV’s Special Collections, she convinced area pioneers to donate their photos and papers. As an oral historian, she made sure that individuals’ stories would be preserved. And as the founder of the historic preservation effort in southern Nevada, she is given credit for saving the Las Vegas Mormon Fort as well as founding families’ homes.
Anna Dean Nohl was born May 12, 1938 in Seattle, Washington. She received two master’s degrees in New York State and then moved to Las Vegas in 1973 with her husband, Jack Kepper, a geology professor. At the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Kepper was active in university affairs through service on committees such as budget and planning, procedures and policy, public relations, museum of natural history, and beautification, in addition to her work for UNLV Special Collections. She was the curator of Special Collections from 1975 until her death in 1983.
Kepper was equally as devoted to historic preservation outside of the university. She held numerous memberships in historic organizations, such as the Preservation Association of Clark County, the Southern Nevada Historical Society, Boulder City Museum and Historical Association, Nevada Historical Society, and the Nevada State Library Association. She was also active in the American Association for State and Local History, Intermountain Archivists, Society of California Archivists, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, where she served as Nevada’s representative.
In 1974, Kepper founded the Association of the Preservation of the Las Vegas Mormon Fort, which later became the Preservation Association of Clark County, serving as president from 1974-1979. Also, Kepper was a moving force in the relocation of historic downtown homes. Kepper coordinated Houssels House’s relocation to the UNLV campus for adaptive use as architectural studies classrooms. As advisor to the Junior League, Kepper aided in the restoration of pioneer businessman Will Beckley’s house at the Museum of Southern Nevada.
In 1980, Kepper was recognized for her hard work as the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award from the Nevada Historical Preservation Conference. In 1982, she received the Certificate of Merit from the Southern Nevada Historical Society. Kepper was also honored by the Boulder City Museum and Historical Association for helping Boulder City gain entrance to the National Register as a historic site.
Kepper died of cancer at fifty on December 20, 1983. UNLV posthumously awarded Kepper a Master’s of Public Administration for which she had passed her final comprehensive examination eighteen days prior to her death.
Anna Dean Nohl was born May 12, 1938 in Seattle, Washington. She received two master’s degrees in New York State and then moved to Las Vegas in 1973 with her husband, Jack Kepper, a geology professor. At the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Kepper was active in university affairs through service on committees such as budget and planning, procedures and policy, public relations, museum of natural history, and beautification, in addition to her work for UNLV Special Collections. She was the curator of Special Collections from 1975 until her death in 1983.
Kepper was equally as devoted to historic preservation outside of the university. She held numerous memberships in historic organizations, such as the Preservation Association of Clark County, the Southern Nevada Historical Society, Boulder City Museum and Historical Association, Nevada Historical Society, and the Nevada State Library Association. She was also active in the American Association for State and Local History, Intermountain Archivists, Society of California Archivists, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, where she served as Nevada’s representative.
In 1974, Kepper founded the Association of the Preservation of the Las Vegas Mormon Fort, which later became the Preservation Association of Clark County, serving as president from 1974-1979. Also, Kepper was a moving force in the relocation of historic downtown homes. Kepper coordinated Houssels House’s relocation to the UNLV campus for adaptive use as architectural studies classrooms. As advisor to the Junior League, Kepper aided in the restoration of pioneer businessman Will Beckley’s house at the Museum of Southern Nevada.
In 1980, Kepper was recognized for her hard work as the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award from the Nevada Historical Preservation Conference. In 1982, she received the Certificate of Merit from the Southern Nevada Historical Society. Kepper was also honored by the Boulder City Museum and Historical Association for helping Boulder City gain entrance to the National Register as a historic site.
Kepper died of cancer at fifty on December 20, 1983. UNLV posthumously awarded Kepper a Master’s of Public Administration for which she had passed her final comprehensive examination eighteen days prior to her death.
Anna Dean Kepper Papers, 1903, 1965-1983. Nevada Women's Archives. Special Collections and Archives. University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada. Collection # MS-00279
Guide to the Anna Dean Kepper Postcard Collection. Special Collections and Archives. University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Collection # PH-00098. Photography Collections Record.
Guide to the Anna Dean Kepper Postcard Collection. Special Collections and Archives. University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Collection # PH-00098. Photography Collections Record.
“Anna Dean Nohl Kepper,” Makers Teaching Modules, accessed March 12, 2025,